Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Film critic: RED

My wife and I decided to hear us today and go see red at our local theater. Apart from the staff which is mostly half asleep and as my mother always said "born without pressed", pas mentioned that we have better its image and at home (and not spitballs on our LED tv).

But none of this is due to lack of Bruce Willis. Or Morgan Freeman. Speaking of Mr. Freeman (who is rude in person according to someone I know who met), he must have done so acting together for the film in about 15 minutes. Because it is everything, it is here for.

Bruce Willis really stole the show has chops acting, especially if you go back and watch for stacking or Die hard 1 point of view. Willis is at the center of this story, playing the role of a former CIA Spook. All headings are in the same boat as character Willis, as R.E.D. considered (retired extremely dangerous for non-initiated).

History of Vice President centres defining a bouquet or R.E.D. for contract murder and of course the R.E.D. illustrating young hotshots "kick old school." The story is well done and not nearly as clich? as you would think.

The reason for this is that a legend of the Red originally written comic world some time it y a. Warren Ellis is the latest scribe comic having artworks cherished by Hollywood (although this worship is not universal – namely, Frank Miller, adaptation of the spirit).

It was Ernest Borgnine, who plays the keeper of Archives of the CIA, sequestered in a vault little known to the seat to make a surprise appearance.

Another surprise appearance was made by Oscar winner Richard Dreyfuss, who plays the real big bad in this story of intrigue and espionage.

Our heroes (including now John Malkovich and Helen Mirren) allows a well orchestrated sequence of shots to emerge victorious. Mary-Louise Parker is a forgettable appearance as our protagonist's love interest. If you've seen his character in the weeds, you've seen his apparent range acting.

Despite disparate talents, the film never print is too long or cast Award winner is in no way touch.

Is he going to win any prizes? Perhaps for special effects or value of production. But it is an engaging story and a heck of a ride fun. He gets enough stars to win my personal future Blu Ray purchase banner itself.

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