Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The world will end in 2012?

Therefore the world is going to expire in 2012 and also, why this particular date?

An ancient civilisation called Maya were very advanced when it comes to the study of the time. They have retained several very specific calendars, including one called account Long which began more than 5000 years ago and ends on December 21, 2012. Now their calendar ends on that date, is not really because the world is going to end in 2012, but Interestingly Maya aren't the only indicators of 2012 being one year hinge for human civilization.

The Incas, Hopi the Aztecs and the Zulu among others, all highlight this delay and more precisely than 2012, as being a "end of an age'." Also, many mediums and remote viewers believe also that we are at a crucial turning point in human evolution: indeed some remote viewers say they cannot "see" beyond 2012, almost as if they hit a brick wall!

There are others who believe that, rather the world ending in 2012, human beings humans will evolve into a much more advanced, spiritual race and real reality itself will be revealed and the mystery of time will be also unlocked. They believe that we will all wake up to the knowledge that we are human beings spiritual, having a physical experience on Earth, and that what we call die nothing more wake up after a night's sleep and dreams. I quite like the sound of this theory!

The film 2012, mixed with a bit of truth and much nonsense spectacular and introduced the idea of the Mayan calendar and 2012 into the mainstream. NASA too said they expect to sun major storms fits in 2012 cause electromagnetic interference possible on earth could have devastating consequences to the electrical grid and lay civilization Western back a few centuries.

Interestingly, the Sun was adored by all ancient civilizations, including the Maya, perhaps, that we must be prepared for a solar event?

2012 will probably go and come as any other year. The facts are well, there are many indications pointing to 2012 as being a very important year for us all here on Earth. If it means the world going to end in 2012, or that we as a species grow to a more spiritual existence is a matter of immense speculation and interest. Me? I'll keep an open mind and will continue to monitor events taking place as we head still more near this date key.

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